Can I get an amen from all the parents out there who do laundry and wonder WHERE. THE. HECK. DO. ALL. THE. SOCKS. GO?!?
I had a hard enough time keeping adult socks paired up in this house so after I had our daughter, I figured missing baby and toddler socks would compound the problem.
I’ve seen tons of cute boards and baskets on Etsy and Pinterest that corral the lone sock until the mate appears somewhere but I wanted to nip the problem in the bud and not allow one to magically escape to begin with. I came up with a genius hack and you only need two things:
1. A small, clear command hook
2. A mesh laundry bag

I attached the hook to the side of the nursery changing table/dresser and hung a mesh laundry bag on it. Look for one that already has a loop or easily add one with some ribbon to the zipper.

Now when we undress my daughter at the end of the day, socks go right into the bag. If your child is anything like mine, socks don’t always make it to the end of the day and they are yanking them off all the time. Here’s an opportunity to teach a small chore and have them deposit their socks in the bag on their own!
When it’s laundry day, I just unhook the bag, zip it up, and toss it in the washing machine. You’ll never lose a sock again!

Great idea! My son received six pairs of Daniel Tiger socks for Christmas and we’re already missing three socks—eek! We may need to give this a try 🙂
We were shoveling leaves last fall and found a missing sock in the landscaping rocks😳🤣. I’ll never understand how they get where they do. At least this helps a little 😉
Pretty sure my socks are disappearing just as fast! Great idea!